Advantages to hiring the best Neurodiversity Inclusion Training

Neurodiversity inclusion training can help a workplace or school redress imbalances and help people with ADHD cope with the stress of working in a neurotypical world

October has been ADHD awareness month and, as it draws to a close, it got me thinking about the benefits of neurodiversity inclusion training. Diversity and inclusion initiatives have long tracked the metrics of race, gender, sexual orientation and disability. However neurodiversity metrics haven’t been focused on much at all.

Neurodiversity inclusion training can help a workplace or school redress imbalances and help people with ADHD cope. 

The U.S. lifetime prevalence of ADHD in adults aged 18 to 44 years of age is estimated to be 8.1% (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). If we take into account that not everyone with ADHD has received a diagnosis — especially women, as their symptoms present differently from men — then the true figure maybe even higher.  


So why should neurodiversity inclusion training be a consideration in the workplace or education facility? Isn’t there enough to be working on without throwing in extra complications? Specifically it’s because there’s a very real danger of people with ADHD trying to hide their condition out of shame or a desire to ‘fit in’ if they don’t feel that they’re in a supportive space. And such behavioral modifications can lead to burnout. Or even a nervous breakdown. 

Neurodiversity inclusion training can help a workplace or school redress imbalances and help people with ADHD cope with the stress of working in a neurotypical world. It’s all about building a more inclusive environment for all team members. And the great thing about the training is that all employees and students will benefit from it — as it teaches empathy, communication skills and organizational tips. So why not reach out today to find out more about my personalized sessions that will fit in with your school or workplace? Or just to chat about neurodiversity? I’d love to hear from you. 

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